Work Life Balance ⚙️

5 min readNov 10, 2020

In the dictionary, the word “hustle” has a negative connotation of getting something by force or illegal means. However, the term “hustle” or the “grind” is a slang that is widely used by millennials in a much more positive manner. According to the Urban Dictionary, it refers to having “the courage, confidence, self belief, and self-determination to go out there and work it out until you find the opportunities you want in life.”

(Source: Urban Dictionary)

It is a common sight to see students and young working adults hustling for their grades, career and opportunities. As a university student myself, I have definitely caught myself saying, “Time to hustle!” when the examinations are right around the corner. On the other hand, I have also seen friends and young adults trying their best to balance their studies and their internships, and even a business that they have started, which is honestly such an impressive feat. In fact, TheMeetUpSG was also founded in 2017 while both the Founder, Rosini, and Co-founder, Darlene were still students!

(Source: TheMeetUpSG)

It might sound like a dream to be able to achieve so much at a young age. Little do you know, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made in order for them to hustle for what they want. They have to give up on sleep, socialising with friends and miss out on creating meaningful experiences. T remendous effort needs to be put in to achieve what they want, sometimes one must challenge social norms and expectations faced by the family. Hence, it is easy to feel burnt out and exhausted after a long time. Sadly, giving up is not uncommon too.

It is thus, important to find the balance between hustling for your dreams and recharging yourself. As someone who has gone through similar experiences, here are some tips for achieving the work-life balance in the hustle culture.

1) Create a Planner and Routine

My first tip is for you to organize the different tasks and commitments you have. By planning out your time well, you’d be surprised by how much time you can free up to rest and socialise with others. Conversely, when you realise the long list of tasks on your agenda, it forces you to procrastinate less and make better use of your time. It spurs you on to work even harder to achieve your goals and aspirations. A routine can also provide you some order and direction in your life.

(Source: Unsplash)

Check out our article on “Staying Productive & Organized 101” for an editable template that you can use to plan and keep track of your responsibilities. Also, take this planning to figure out what matters to you most and prioritise them in your planner. Remember to give yourself sufficient rest time!

2) Separating Your Business and Personal Life

For those that are working as well, it is important to set your work boundaries. This may seem even harder to achieve with the work-from-home arrangement during times of COVID-19. It is easy to let work overwhelm you, even during your weekends and rest time, leading to extreme burnt-out. Additionally, it can start to negatively impact your social life when you are consistently working and not making time for your loved ones. A plausible suggestion would be to clearly dedicate the weekends for non-work related commitments. You can even set a cut-off timing on the weekdays so that you would not check your emails after a certain timing.

(Source: News Credit)

3) Health is Wealth

Though it is easy to lose track of time or even skip meals when you are so immersed in your work, remember to have adequate rest times and eat your meals regularly. Healthy eating and sleeping habits improve your energy level and spirits for you to stay motivated. Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated all the time. Personally, I can be so focused on the tasks that I forget to hydrate myself for the whole day. To solve this, I’ll make sure to fill up my water bottle and leave it beside me to constantly remind me to hydrate myself!

(Source: Jeannette Ogden, @shutthekaleup on Instagram)

4) Work Hard, Play Hard

Personally, I feel that one of the biggest struggles of hustling is not allowing yourself to have fun. I often witness my peers working so hard for their goals that they don’t give themselves time to socialise with friends and family. To some, having fun might even be considered a waste of time! Though every individual has different views on hustling, I feel that it is important to surround yourself with friends or engage in your hobbies. It allows you to relieve some stress and can be a good form of recharge as well. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, take a step back from time-to-time and enjoy life!

All in all, hustling can make or break a person. As evident, it may not be suited for everyone. However, I believe that if one is willing to make it work and manage your commitments well, nothing can stop a motivated hustler. Go ahead and find out your goals and aspirations in life. It is best to work hard at them while you still have the time and youth. Don’t forget to also have fun and enjoy your youth!

(Source: TheMeetUpSG)

Hope this was an interesting read and something relatable! Remember to follow us @themeetupsg on Instagram . Let us know what other topics you want us to discuss!

May you achieve your aspirations,




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