Build an Amazing Portfolio

5 min readJun 11, 2020

Want to impress your business partners but not sure how to?

Well, look no further! In this edition, TheMeetUpSG is here to share with you 4 simple but highly effective tips for building an amazing portfolio that will leave a first great impression on your clients!

Now, let’s get started, shall we?

Before we can create a stunning portfolio that will make your clients want your products or services, we have to first understand what a portfolio is.

So, what is a portfolio then?

To put it simply, it is a collection of resources that represents your skills, knowledge, experiences, backgrounds and beliefs!

(Source: Giphy)

Now that we’ve covered the what, let’s explain the why!

Why create one?

Having a portfolio puts your skills and past experiences in a very comprehensive format for your clients. On top of that, it also speaks volumes of your ability to organise information and communicate them in an effective and interesting manner!

(Source: Giphy)

Now that you have a better understanding of what a portfolio is and why it is so essential in the business world, let’s dive right into the 4 key elements you’ll need to build an amazing one!

1) Show your best side

(Source: Giphy)

Just like deciding the kind of ingredients that you want to add into your pot of soup, you’ve got to first think about what you want to show your clients before presenting your portfolio to them!

While you may be tempted to include all your past experiences and skills in your portfolio, we strongly recommend against that.

You only have a few minutes — and in some cases, seconds — to convince your clients of what you’re capable of. So, why not put your best foot forward?

You can start by first compiling a list of some of your best works. After you’ve decided what to include in your list, rank them based on how outstanding they are and pick your top 10 most outstanding works to showcase in your portfolio!

If you’re looking to demonstrate a variety of skills in your portfolio, you may then want to consider including of the skills you would like to display. two to three projects for each

Be sure to selectively choose the skills you want to present based on the kind of services or skills that your clients are looking for!

(Source: Giphy)

2) Simplicity is key

(Source: iStock)

The simpler and more concise your portfolio is, the better!

Keep the amount of information that you’re presenting to a minimum level so as not to overwhelm or bore your clients.

A great way to keep your portfolio simple and easy to understand is by including photos of your products, services, or even past experiences!

Include only key details in your captions such as the name of the project, the date of its execution and a hyperlink to the original one for easy reference.

Here are a few examples of simple but highly effective portfolios:

(Source: WebFX)
(Source: Made Together)
(Source: Made Together)
(Source: Made Together)

Remember, less is more!

3) Let it flow!

(Source: Giphy)

Now, what do we mean by that?

A portfolio that flows smoothly is one that allows its readers to easily steer through with minimal effort.

One way to ensure that your portfolio has a smooth flow is to divide it into different sections! Sections help to compartmentalize information for your clients, making it easy for them to move from one topic to another.

Therefore, a well-structured portfolio leads to a less confused and frustrated client, increasing your chances of securing that business deal!

In addition, having sections in your portfolio also gives you the opportunity to showcase your diverse range of skills, letting your clients know that there is more that you can bring to the table!

Let’s use the example of a portfolio by a Google UX design intern, Joy Cho.

(Source: Medium)

If you notice the top of her cover page, you can see that she has divided her skills into different sections, with each section dedicated to a specific type of design.

This also conveys the message that she is able to offer a range of design services to her potential clients!

To sum things up, always remember to keep your target audience in mind when laying out the foundations of your portfolio!

4) Tell YOUR story

(Source: Giphy)

While your projects and past experiences provide an inkling of what you do and your style of working, they do not paint a complete picture of who you are as an individual.

Therefore, when it comes to building an amazing portfolio, you should always try to include a short write-up which tells your readers about your story. That means sharing a little about your background, aspirations and how you got interested in what you’re currently doing today!

Let’s take for example the portfolio of an Experience Designer, Jeremy Stokes.

(Source: Jeremy Stokes)

Notice how Jeremy has dedicated a “Just About Me” section to his online portfolio to share with his audience more about himself as an individual!

(Source: Jeremy Stokes)

If you scroll further down Jeremy’s “Just About Me” section, you will notice that he has made the effort to share with his audience more about his interest — video games!

And he doesn’t just stop there. He even goes on to talk about his role as the eldest brother in his family along with some values that he has inculcated from brotherhood.

Doesn’t that warm your heart a little?

A story does wonders indeed.

(Source: Giphy)

And there you have it, an amazing portfolio that will impress your clients and leave them wanting what you have to offer!

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All the best and have fun building! 👷





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